Message Options (Advanced, SMS, Email)
Message Sending Options and Details
- Email: Emails are from one of our email addresses to improve deliverability, but the Name shows as your name, and the reply-to email is your address. All replies are automatically sent back to you.
- SMS ( Plain text or text with links ): Charged per message part, each part is 140 characters. To reduce costs keep your messages short
- MMS ( an SMS that contains one or more pictures ): an MMS costs more than an SMS (currently 3X the cost), but has a very high max character count. If your message is more than 420 characters, it will be cheaper to attach an image and send as MMS.
- Advanced Message: This is a special feature we've created to reduce costs and increase the potential for sms marketing. An Advanced message is designed in two parts - the basic text message and also the "web view". We automatically insert a custom link at the end of your text message so your recipients can view a personalized webpage with the web view portion of your message. To take full advantage of this feature, keep your SMS message short, and the main body in the webview. eg: " Hi Dan, I'm so excited to tell you about this months promotions, follow the link for more details".
- SMS Priority: This is available when you've selected an Advanced Message type.Of the contacts selected we will send SMS / MMS to contacts with a phone number, and an email to the rest. Email recipients will only receive the "web view" portion of the message as a standard email.
- Email Priority: This is available when you've chosen an Advanced Message. We will send the webview portion of the message as an email to anyone with a valid email, and an SMS with the a link to the webview portion of the message to anyone else.