Reschedule a Bookings

Almost always it's better to reschedule instead of cancel.


  1. Under Bookings click on "all bookings"
  2. find the booking you want to re-schedule and click on it
  3. Under Booking Date and Time change the date/time 
  4. Click "Save Booking"
  5. Rescheduling will not automatically send an email update. Make sure to contact your client.


  1. Under Bookings click on "all bookings"
  2. find the booking you want to re-schedule and click on it
  3. Under booking status change it to Cancelled
  4. Click "Save Booking"
  5. Canceling will automatically send a cancellation email

Refunding package/ store credit

  1. Most of the time if a meeting is cancelled it's better just to reschedule it. 
  2. Under WooCommerce click on Orders
  3. Search for the customer, Go to their first order, open it
  4.  scroll down until you see "Coupon Sent". Copy that coupon code
  5. Go under Marketing -> Coupons
  6. Search for that coupon code
  7. Edit the coupon balance to reflect the refund.

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